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Journalism : Lead Writing and Feature Writing

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◆ What is Journalism?

Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really happened, but that they might not have known about already.
People who write journalism are called "journalists." They might work at newspapers, magazines, websites or for TV or radio stations.
The most important characteristic shared by good journalists is curiosity. Good journalists love to read and want to find out as much as they can about the world around them.

● 2 Types of Journalism :

1} Feature Writing
2} Lead Writing

1} Feature Writing:-

Writing a feature story is not always easy. It comes with a lot of elements that should come together to make it whole. Also, the style of writing a feature may vary depending on the writer or the subject. However, at the very heart of it, the purpose is the same – it aims to explore a range of issues, opinions, experiences, and ideas while captivating the audience.

● Steps in the Feature Writing:- 

1. brainstorming
2. finding the angle
3. creating an outline
4. researching
5. going through the facts to produce an enticing story
6. creating a punch line to leave an impression
Tips on writing the feature story

● Creating the title / Headline:

1. hook the reader
2. highlight the main idea of the story
3. use important keywords

● Creating the Introduction :

1. The introduction sets the tone of the whole story

2. It can have an unusual statement to keep the reader’s attention

3. It can invite the reader to take a stand especially if it is a controversial topic

4. It should have the important background information

5. It should intensify the appeal to keep the reader hooked

● Creating the Body :

1. It should have additional facts and statistics
2. Itcan have opinions from authorities
3. It can have sound bites from interviews
4. It can have personal opinions
5. It can be visual using photos, diagrams, and graphs

● Putting a Conclusion :

The conclusion leaves the impression to reader
It should remind the reader what the story is about
It can suggest a course of action and/or change of attitude or views.


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