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Feminist reading of Hermione's Character in Harry Potter

" I mean, you could claim that
anything's real if the only basis
for believing in it is that nobody's
proved it doesn't exist!

                                                -Hermione Granger.

   J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter" Novels have been published in several countries and are a major success with readers of all ages. The major leading female characters are played a very vital role in all of these series. We can see that in all of the series Harry's character develops a main leading hero role but it's not possible without the female characters. We can see in the series that from the beginning of his life, Harry Potter was well loved and taken care of by women.

For Example:- -Hermione Granger and Professor McGonagall.

   Chapter 2 provides an in-depth analysis of the concept of Feminist Rhetoric in the Harry Potter book series. Chapter 2 also provides background about Hooks and Daly's feminist theory.

   J.K Rowling claims that she never consciously wanted the novels to be seen as either sexist or feminist. But through the themes explored with the female characters in the Harry Potter Novels, Rowling has created a feminist work of Literature.

● The feminist ideals in "Harry Potter" :-

They are seen through the lead female character Hermione Granger, the Headmistress of Gryffindor Professor Minerva McGonagall, Ron's sister Ginny Weasely, Bellatrix Lestrange,  Molly and Narcissa Malfoy.

1. Hermione Granger :-

¶Not static but
 dynamic personality. One of the most mindblowing character  stands in all of the series. She is very sharp minded and intelligent girl uses cool inteligance among the other Hogwarts's students. She knows more things, magic and keywords rather than other girls or any other students. Through the series we can see Hermione's Character is not static in all.

¶    Hermione is a smart witch. Her knowledge is one characteristics of leadership that allows her to be successful.

¶  She had strong intellect & problem solving skills which led her to be a leader in many ways.

¶     However, her character coming from "Muggles house" face many challenges but she overcome throughout the whole series. She uses Time- Turner in a very  significant way and through that she was able to save one innocent life in the 2nd part.

¶   The character is very changing from very beginning to the end. Like in very first part most of the task done by Harry and she remains behinds the wall. And suddenly in the 3rd part most of the task done by her. She supports Harry and Ron in every task. Her presence is significant without her it becomes difficult to reach to the conclusion.

   Other female characters like Professor McGonagall--the strict but fair teacher. Molly Weasely the caring yet brave mother,

 Ginny Weasely for transforming from a shy little girl to a fearless warrior etc seen in to the series.

   In the last book in the series "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" -- women played a significant role in the climactic final battle.

Say for example :- Molly Weasely and Ballatrix.

'Luna Lovegood'  also played a very significant role in the series.

So, In "Harry Potter's" all series we can see that.....J K Rowling's female characters continually battle against the men-centric oppression regular in both this present reality and in their anecdotal world, assuming the responsibility of their own personalities and strengthening.

Thank you.

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