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How Literature Shaped Me...?

Hello Readers,

●   Here I'm going to share my review with Literature. My 5 years Journey with studustu the Literature has been completed very soon. So , I have to given the view upon that that how after studying the Literature how personally It shaped me?

    Though before writing, Let me clarify and  No one can denied that .... 
Literature is a "Huge Ocean , 
No one can swallow all the things at one time, but after reading literature it becomes people more mature and more rational rather than other human beings. So after all,

I've tried to quench my thirst by drinking a few sips from this huge ocean.☺️ 

I haven't well experienced of reading the whole literature so my views also can be limited as per my reading. But I try my best.👍

◆ Three years Journey of my Bachelor {BA} :-

Let me introduce myself very frankly, during my Bachelor's days that .... I really don't understand that deeply about any of the chapter. I just randomly reading the summary and give the exam.

   I still remembered that my College's very first day, when Vishal Pandya was our teacher. The very first lecture dealt by him. And I was totally shocked by asking his questions that write down some spellings and also the basic Grammar and so and so ...I was like are we a students of BA or the 1st standard😅. After that Sir told us some of the pronunciation like the wor....d "Wear" and "Were".  But it's really necessary to ask these questions because our classmates who really didn't understand even knowing these basic information.
●  So after all coming to the point that when I entered in the class of FYBA , I didn't think the particular text in a much deeper way. In BA while reading my focus was only an esthetic delight. I choose the text on the principle that It gives me an aesthetic delight or not? I didn't able to derive anything except from the story...
But now When I revisit the text I can realize that I can read far mor better better way.

● I've studied many text in my BA syllabus like...
"Ghashiram kowal"
"The Bluest Eye"
"Dr.Jakyll and Mr.Hyde"
"Far From the Madding Crowd"
"The Postmaster" and may more...

● Through the text "Dr.Jakyll and Mr.Hyde" - taught me that every Coin has 2 side same as every human beings have 2 sides or 2 split personality. One is personal and the second one is Public. It gives me to understanding of human phychology.

● Through the text "Ghashiram kowal" - taught me that ...In order to gain the POWER how human beings doing the things that Ghashiram himself put his daughter into Nana Phadanvis who is the Prince of Power and Gauri who is Ghashiram's daughter had been exploited by him. So at what cost people are changing for the only sake of gain the POWER.

◆ Two years Journey of my Master {MA} :-

Today , Our Professor, Dr.Dilip Barad Sir giving the reference by saying that...
Someone is said that...

"If you read Literature than you 20 years more mature than your age."

So, It's indeed a true one that by reading and understanding the Literature people become more mature, more liberal , more critical thinker and also more open-minded. 

●    So, Before I started over this let me tell you something about my personal life that after studying Western theories and Literature I've become more LIBERAL , RATIONAL , and OPEN-MINDED.
   I've been living here in Bhavnagar as a PG since last 5 years. So I met and still meet various people who majority have the stereotype mentality. Like many people comments on Women's job or their clothes or exceesive use of mobile phones. When woman or a wife earning more money rather than her husband it's become terrifying for the rigid mindset's people and they think about that wife or a woman that she is a very arrogant woman and all.
   But I don't agree with them and now laugh upon that silly things which the people categorize woman by saying or putting them one particular ruling circle. Or the language of PATRIARCHY read here, but now the time changes, women also have rights to do whatever they want.
   Now I'm believe the idea of "INDIVIDUALISM". I try to bring margin [Female] into center and then try to read from their point of view.

* Frankly to speak that even though I studied literature since 5 year, Texts and theories which I've studied in my MA has affected me a lot and it gives life long lessions also. It much more affected me in my mind and life also and through this I understand the life more and more and it leads me towards the reality rather than just imagination.☺️

- Darrida

So, Darrida taught me deconstruction. The discourse which given on any particular topic, then I'll able to first recognize, examine , subvert and blast the entire Discourse ...means now I able to understand the hidden meaning of that discpudis or any of the particular sentence.

● As per Robert Frost said in his poem ....

" Two Roads Diverged in a yellow wood"
By saying this line poet here gives two path of every human being's life one is reality and 2nd one is an imagination. I choose the path of reality through studying literature and my journey yet not completed with literature. So I remembered now another poem's line that...

" The Woods are lovely, dark and deep
  But I have promises to keep,

 And Miles to go before I Sleep,
 And Miles to go before I Sleep."
Now I suddenly remembered Dilip Sir's Lines that...

" એક શિક્ષકની સફળતા ત્યારે જ કહેવાય જ્યારે તેનો વિદ્યાર્થી તેનાં કરતા પણ ચડિયાતો હોય."☺️

● "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley taught me that how people create his/her own situation and then the downfall of himself/herself. I remember one Gujarati Proverb that....

" ખાડો ખોદે તેં પડે "
" મુસીબત ને જાતે જ નોતરું આપવું"

● Christopher Marlow  portrays his heros for More and more quest for knowledge and quest for more of everything which leads to the character or hero to the very baneful situations.

   "Doctor Faustus" - the example of that when he said in last lines that ....

"Mountains and hills come, come and fall on Me,
 And Hide me From the heavy wrath of {Heaven} 

By saying this lines he was afraid to the death


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