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Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy

Hello Readers,

Here I'm sharing novel " Far From the Madding Crowd" written by Thomas Hardy.

● About Author:-

The author , Thomas Hardy of this novel - "Far from the Madding Crowd" was an English novelist and poet, who set much of his work in Wessex, his name of the counties of southwestern England. He was an architecture by profession but from his soul. He was a Pure artist. He wrote poems but he was not get that position among literary writers. So he drow his attention towards novels and got name and fame as writer with the help of short-stories became famous among readers.

◆ About This novel : Far From the Madding Crowd

   This novel is one of the best novel written by him. Main characters of this novel Bathsheba Everdene protagonist of the novel. We can even say that Hardy tries to write feminist novel because during the time of this novel - 1873 , we cannot find so many novel in which female character is in the center. As most of Hardy's novel, this novel also have setting of Wessex.

   The main plot of this novel grows out of characters and the sub-plot grows out natural situation. Bathsheba is a charming and beautiful woman who prompted by her vanity & pride, reject the proposal of marriage offered by Gabriel Oak, for she thinks she is better than him. Oak ironically, proves to be indispensable to her life. Nonetheless, the immature Bathsheba overlooks the worthy Oak and becomes infatuated with Sergent Troy, a philanderer. She marries him, although he is already involved with Fanny. By the time of her marriage, Bathsheba has already set the tragic wheels of encouragement of farmer Boldwood. When he ignores her , she send him a valentine to attarct his attention. He takes seriously the seal....

"Marry me"

that she adds to the card. His life becomes an obssessive pursuit of this woman he loves.

Bathsheba's life ruined by her marriage to Troy. She resents his selfish ways his gambling and his refused to work on the farm. When Bathsheba learns about his affairs with fanny, it's too late.

● Hardy's view of life is essentially tragic, caused by the hand of fate in human affairs. Sometimes fate operates through natural occurrences.
In  " Far From the Madding Crowd" - Gabriel must work feverishly to protect Bathsheba's harvest from a terrible storm. Although Gabriel succeed in overcoming the fate of the storm, Boldwood is not so lucky and loses all his fortunes through and occurrence of natural fate ; his sheep fall off a cliff to their deaths and Gabrial must see out to repay his debts.

◆ Conclusion :- 

We can say that throughout her tribulations. Bathsheba comes to rely increasingly on her oldest and as she admits to herself, only real friend Gabrial. When he gives notice that he is leaving her employ, she realises that how important he has become to her well-being.

Thank you.


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