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◆ What is Existentialism?

Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe.

Here is the existenalist philosophers:
1. Soren Kierkegaard
2. Martin Heideggar 
3. Jean Paul Sartre
4. Albert Camus
5. Friedrich Nietzsche 
6. Simon De Beauvoir

Here I'm sharing some of my views which I like the most in given videos of existentialism.

1. What is existentialism?

In this video we can see first that the 3 sides of existentialism:-
1. Individuality
2. Freedom &
3. Passion.

And second one is the idea of Philosophical suicide. In this Camus the philosopher argued and said that believing in God is that you take an easy way out. For Camus, you have to understand & recognize the absord & fully aggressive. Believing in God is considered a philosophical suicide for him. Existentialism is mainly popular among young people mostly because it touches subjects which a person in his or her views might be struggle in with.

2. The myth of Sisyphus: The Absurd Reasoning:-

Camus first start this essay " The Absurd Reasoning". In this he wrote about one truly philosophical problem that is suicide.

People think that life is absurd and that’s why one should die. Is it dying a real solution? No it is not. Life is absurd and meaningless but life is for living. There is also one idea of every human’s fascination of death. It is shown in video that human wants divorce from life and wants to make death a mistress. But I like the idea that how every one wants death and how everyone also fears death.

3. The myth of Sisyphus: The Notion of  Philosophical suicide

Everybody is singing song of absurdity of life, but here it is said that there is human and there is world, both will collide and then absurdity will take place. Imagine if there is no human being in the world, no question of life will come and no question of absurdity will come. So absurdity is the ultimate truth of life accept it.

4. Dadaism, Nihilism and Existentialism:

 We all are followers and that’s why our life has no meanings. Why? Because we are following values which are created by others. We don’t have our own values. By following the values given by others, they are same like us, human beings, those who also don’t has meaning of life. By following them we are removing our individual space and started becoming part of herd.

5. Existentialism : A gloomy philosophy

If one truly wants to give meaning to it’s own life one has to create it’s own values. After creating one needs to judge and has to make choice. After taking final decision, one has to take the responsibility of own choice and by taking responsibility one will have it’s own path to walk and own rules to follows Some says that being individual means being narcissist, but it is not like that. An individual is just making it’s own path which is according to individual is best for it self. So being different than others doesn’t means narcissist.

6. Existentialism and Nihilism:  Is it one and the same?

Now one may say that, what is the problem in following divinity. The answer is that by following divinity what you will get as meaning of life will be divine perspective and not human perspective. The problem with divine perspective is that it is not human perspective and it also ignore the most important thing of human, which is mortality. So we can not find our meaning of life which has immortal perspective. Our existence on world is temporary, so we should participate in life, and should live it as our own wish. We are not here to be just spectator.

8. Existentialism and Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche, who gave idea of “Ubermensche”. It is the philosophy for freedom. Freedom of doing whatever human wants. As it says that no universal morality can make us individual or give us the meaning to life. So what “Ubermensche” do is make it’s own morality.

9. Why I like Existentialism

Existentialism is very broad idea. It does not appeal only to the mind but heart also. It is called existential sensibility. Which means that if mind wants to know the meaning of life our heart also wants to feel life deeply. So existentialism applies at both level. By creating own meaning of life one also enjoy the life at fullest.  Between all these things one has to suffer a lot. Mostly people find suffering as curse to life, but here it is said that suffering is not our enemy, it is our great friend, through which we learn the difficult and thought transforming lessons, which may be no one else will able to teach us.

10. From Essentialism to Existentialism

It is mostly believed that everyone has essence of their existence, and it is sure that one take birth for doing that particular thing only, say for example, the fan, the essence of fan is decided before making of fan. Same people believe about human beings also. But Sartre came and he gave his own thinking which says that in case of human beings it is the “existence precedes essence”. This phrase needs attention and pondering, because we are not animals or trees or electronics. We are human and human first take birth and then they decide their own essence by their own choices. Every human being is born to do something but what?, that will decided by it own self after having existence. The meaning which your life has should be given by you only. It is upon an individual to make their own path or follow others path. If an individual creates its own path and give their own meaning to the life then the life which is lived by an individual is called authentic life.

◆  Which video I like the most & Why?

I like the last video most, because it talks about living life authentically. To create our own path, our own essence and our individual identity, different than other human beings. Because of this idea I like this video most.

Thank you.


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