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Colonialism, Postcolonialism and Imperialism....Then & Now by Ania Loomba

Here is my thinking activity upon Colonialism, Postcolonialism and Imperialism ... according to Ania Loomba....

 Ania Loomba:- 

 Ania Loomba is a Indian Literary scholar. She is an author of Colonialism & Postcolonialism and works as a Literature Professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Her Works are ...Here...

Ania Loomba’s is clearly the best exposition on [postcolonialism] so
far. … Loomba’s book becomes the first worthwhile contribution to
the dime-a-dozen summaries of the subject.

Her Book - Colonialism/ Postcolonialism (2nd Edition). In this Book she contains 4 huge Chapters and individual sub - chapter each one.

1. Situating Colonial & Postcolonial studies.
2. Colonial & Postcolonial identities.
3. Challenging Colonialism.
4. Conclusion : Globalization and Future of Post Colonial Studies.

◆ In Pitterbarry's Book:- 

What is ...ADOPT, ADAPT & ADEPT.

ADOPT:   Write upon Western Writers.

ADAPT:  To get Mastery upon anything.

ADEPT:  Write upon Indian.

According to my understanding of this 3 terms:-

1. Colonialism :- 

When someone went some another country or land & there they live ...there is Colonialism.

2. Imperialism :-

Dominating by Empire, belief in Empire.
When king or queen arrive and established his/her rule then it's called Imperialism...

3. Postcolonialism :- 

In this term we can see that the people who independent, or not colonized by other country but after that much independency ...still the impact of that colonizers upon the people....

Say for Example....

In the madieval times we , the people didn't celebrated our Birthday with Cake , but we celebrated our Birthday with full Indian dishes, through the cake we can see that we have still colonized by them and we follow their rules rather than our Indian rituals.

Colonialism , Imperialism & Postcolonialism by Ania Loomba:- 

1. Colonialism :-

The word colonialism, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), comes
from the Roman ‘colonia’ which meant ‘farm’ or ‘settlement’, and
referred to Romans who settled in other lands but still retained their
Accordingly, the OED describes it as:
a settlement in a new country … a body of people who settle in a new
locality, forming a community subject to or connected with their par-
ent state; the community so formed, consisting of the original settlers
and their descendants and successors, as long as the connection with
the parent state is kept up.
This definition, quite remarkably, avoids any reference to people other
than the colonisers, people who might already have been living in those
places where colonies were established. Hence it evacuates the word
‘colonialism’ of any implication of an encounter between peoples, or of
conquest and domination.

● Colonialism can be defined as the conquest & control over that other people's land and goods.

2. Imperialism :- 

In the early 20th century, Lenin & Kautsky gave a new meaning to the world " Imperialism" by linking it to a particular stage of the development of Capitalism.

In Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1947), Lenin argued that the growth of
‘finance-capitalism’ and industry in the Western countries had created an ‘ enormous superabundance of capital’. This money could not be profitably invested at home where labour was limited. The colonies lacked
capital but were abundant in labour and human resources. Therefore it needed to move out and subordinate non-industrialized countries to sustain it's own growth.

● Thus, imperialism, colonialism and the differences between them are defined differently depending on their historical mutations.

● Post 1857 Queen Victoria established the Imperialism , but before it's colonised by East India Company.

3. Postcolonialism:-

These different understandings of colonialism and imperialism complicate the meanings of the term ‘postcolonial’, a term that is the subject of an ongoing debate. It might seem that because the age of
colonialism is over, and because the descendants of once-colonised peoples live everywhere, the whole world is postcolonial. And yet the term
has been fiercely contested on many counts. To begin with, the prefix complicates matters because it implies an ‘aftermath’ in two
senses—temporal, as in coming after, and ideological, as in supplanting.

● Creating Otherness.

● It is the second implication which critics of the term have found contestable: if the inequities of colonial rule have not been erased, it is perhaps premature to proclaim the demise of colonialism. A country may be both postcolonial (in the sense of being formally independent) and
neo-colonial (in the sense of remaining economically and/or culturally dependent) at the same time. We cannot dismiss either the importance of formal decolonisation or the fact that unequal relations of colonial rule are reinscribed in the contemporary imbalances between ‘first’ and 'third' world nations. The new global order does not depend upon direct
rule. However, it does allow the economic, cultural and (to varying degrees) political penetration of some countries by others.

● This makes it debatable whether once-colonised countries can be seen as properly ‘postcolonial’.

● Today's entire world is a Postcolonial countries:-
And it's devided in 2 parts:-

1. Postcolonial
2. Neo Colonial

◆ What is Postcolonial Critics do?

● Postcolonial critics don't looking of the Important of their individual culture or Literature . They remain static.

●  They are static in every discourse, they don't take a side of anyone. They are not straight away that we are best and you are the worst.

◆ Colonial Discourse:- 

Knowledge is not innocent but profoundly connected with the operations of power. This Foucaultian insight informs Edward Said’s
Orientalism, which points out the extent to which ‘knowledge’ about ‘the Orient’ as it was produced and circulated in Europe was an ideological accompaniment of colonial ‘power’.

Conclusion: Globalization & Future of Postcolonial Studies:-

It's conclusion is a contemporary times.

In this  Michael Hardt & Negri's Empire 
 argues that the contemporary globle order has produced a new form of sovereignty which should be called Empire but which is best understood in contrast to European Empire.

In this P. Sainath's 
 " And then There was Market"
" Market Fundamentalism" 

This first one is taken from the reference of Bible which is very significant..

" And then There Was a light."

Niall Ferguson ...
 He said that How to save American Western Civilization?

Thank you.


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