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Orientalism and Occidentalism by Edward Said..

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Name: Vidhya Pandya
Semester: MA – 3
Roll No: 32
Paper No:-11 The Post-Colonial Literature
Enrolment No: 2069108420190031
Email id:
Year: 2018 -20
Submitted to: Department of English , Maharaja Krishnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.
Assignment's topic: Orientalism and Occidentalism by Edward Said

# Introduction:-

Said was a Palestinian born in Jerusalem in 1935 , and was educated in Cairo before continuing his studies and developing his career in America . His work is distinctive in the sense that , in his role as “public intellectual” , he combines literary criticism with politics and cultural philosophy , and accomplishes the unusual achievement of moving seamlessly between these discrete levels of analysis and in addressing as a result a board audience of both specialised academics and the general public . Critics have tended to focus either on his academic and literary critical writhing or on his intervention on Palestine , but said himself perceived these endeavours very much as part of the same project of unsettling the west's vision of the Orient , the colony and Islam . It is also one of the principal argument of orientalism the one can identify the link between culture and politics by analysing colonial discourse along said the mechanics of conquest and economic exploitation .

# What is Orientalism:-

In simple words, The representation of Asia, its people and culture, by western world is called Orientalism. The exaggerated view of East as a backward and uncivilized then the West. This stereotyped image of East, which is created by West is called Orientalism. The way West typically interpret East is noted by some of scholars and they are studying this branch of Orientalism. “Orientalism” is title of the book by Edward Said.

# What is Occidentalism:-

 Occidentalism is a counter term of Orientalism. In this term it represents how East is defying West. Some scholars have researched about how East is looking towards West, its people and its culture. It shows the stereotypes which East have for West.

# Orientalism by Edward Said:-

 Said's argument is in this sense universal , and although problematic in its broad sweep , rests once again on an ethical understanding of both the diversity and the commonality of human existence .

It is perhaps surprising that the term “human” crops up so frequently in the work of the postcolonial thinkers analysed so far , since fanon and Sartre , as well as said , vilify a Eurocentric from of humanism even as they uphold the importance of a new notion of the human necessitating an understanding of the freedom and the alterity of the other . Said also depart from Foucault in retaining the notion of the human rather then deconstructing with the letter the very notion of the subject by displaying consistently it’s formation in discourse .orientalism sets out to define the notion of orientalist discourse and to criticize it’s delusions , which perniciously feed into the diffusion of colonial power .

The term orientalism covers three interrelated meanings.
first , said argues that it names the academic study of the Orient in the multiple disciplines of  anthropology , sociology , history or philosophy , secondly , however , orientalism is “ a style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between 'the orient' and 'the occident' “ .  In this way orientalism tends to rely on a binary opposition between east and west , and this dichotomy is both misleading and destructive , since the Orient comes to stand for all that is “other” to the west and therefore threatening . Thirdly , Orientalism can be seen as “ a western style for dominating , Restructuring , and having authority over the orient “ .

Orientalism is from this point of view a discourse in Foucault’s sense : it is wide-ranging network of texts , image and preconditions , all of which serve to designate the eastern other as “ a sort of surrogate and even underground self “.
 It is the way of representing the orient , a discourse that reconstitutes the east using a number of preconceptions and assumptions , and this discourse helps to reinforce the position of the west as the site of power . Said uses Foucault here because the notion of discourse enables him to move between text and world , and to support his affirmation of the dialogue between culture and politics.

 He develops Foucault , however , by drawing attention to the spatial or geographic functioning of discourse , together with its infiltration into cultural performance . Said's definition of Orientalism relies on the argument that the ideas about the Orient propagated by Orientalists have concrete and empirical foundation and effects .

This typical presentation of east has make Said to think upon Orientalism. The same representation of any country of east from centuries. What is surprising to Said was that it was not the same as what it is actually the experience of living in east. The mind of western people are conditioned in such a way that they can not think of something else than that about east. From centuries they only have seen one image of Orient which is not quite real also.

Then he has given example of Napoleon and his power to create knowledge about a place. By this Said wants to say that the one who is creating all the same images of Orient has power and that is why the images are not changing from centuries. Then he has talked about the direct and indirect inventory of knowledge. The difference between the knowledge of Orient. The difference between the knowledge of Britain and US about Orient. Because one has direct experience of living in Orient while on the other hand there is no direct experience there was just an images and stories which people believe and started having certain prejudices about Orient.

Then he talked about what Orientalism today is, it is about the demonetizing of Islam. The image of Muslims which are created by news channels and media is showing only one thing that Muslims are terrorists. They are conditioned the mind lf people to fear Muslims. Said has also talked about the news channels which will show the video clips people are talking in Arabic language and the interpreter will say they are talking about destruction of America, and he said that if you really know the language you will find there is nothing like this.

He also emphasize that the attacks other than by Muslims are not highlighted. So what the media is doing is creating stereotypes of one identity. Not only news channels but movies also. Movies are also showing Muslim characters in that light of fear and terror only. He has said that he also used to enjoy “Arabian Nights” which is creation of Hollywood, showing Arab as a world of magic.
What Said complaining about is the generalization which is made for whole Islam. He has asked that is the whole Arab is terrorist? There are terrorists as every where but there are millions of people who are innocent and same as other human beings. People don’t even question their common sense that all are not terrorists. This generalization is what creates fear and terror. He also has given the diversity in Muslims also that how different Muslims countries have different tradition, histories and stories.
They also differ than how all Muslims can be terrorists.

Further he said on this that there is the part of Arabs which they are playing for keep these images of Arab as west have in their mind. Because they are not trying to give them any other information about their real self. Behind this he has also given another reason that most of Arab countries have dictatorship and not democracy. They need the parentage of US and that is why they don’t initiate debate with US and let westerners think them as inferior to them and the same image of terrorism which they have.

After that Said has given personal example about Oklahoma city bombing.
He has said that after some time he started receiving calls and they are asking him about that bomb blast not because he has to do something with that blast but because he belongs to middle east. So people have generalized that he will know some thing about blast and forgets that he is also an American.

In solution of this he has talked about the inventory. Inventory lf history which make sense. Which can tell them at least some truth, or if not truth it can show the other side of the coin. At last he has talked about the Palestine. He says that we cant throw them out just because we have thrown out. The challenge which everyone is facing now is the co – existence. We can not co – exist with fear or by the feel of protect one self from other. So one must have to learn to think about others, they have to put themselves in the shoes of others. And that is how the world exists with peace.

At last he has said that, “I've been interested in a field called Comparative Literature most all of my adult life and the ideal of Comparative Literature is not to show how English literature is really a secondary phenomenon to French literature or Arabic literature is kind of a poor cousin to Persian literature or any of those silly things, but to show them existing, you might say, as contrapuntal lines, in a great composition by which difference is respected and understood without coercion. And it's that attitude I think that we need.”

# Palestine issue:-

Said talked about the issue of Palestine that what is the condition of the people there, they have not their mother land because of the forcefully occupation by Israel. From 1948 to present time Palestinian are suffering a lot for the peace and their homeland but Western countries do not take any kind of action on this issue. We also can say that why Europe and America built a new state for Jew people surrounding Islamic countries, if they have love for Jew people then why they vanished Jew from Europe. So, Said explained this issue through cultural, religious and political views.

# Example of Movie:-

Here now I want to give the example of the movie “ Namastey London”, it is 2007 Indian romantic comedy drama film directed by Vipul Amrutlal Shah. The main protagonist are Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif. Here we can see the orientalism that how western culture portrays eastern culture. Here we can see that Charlie Brown who is well educated and Jasmeet wants to marry him. Then when they went to the cruse Arjun who played a role of Indian he tells the whole achievements of India and that’s how the western cultures's whole doubt has been vanished.

● Resources:-

Understanding Postcolonialism by Jane Hiddleston


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