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Thinking activity on MATTHEW ARNOLD...

Here is the task link....

"Matthew Arnold" - English Victorian poet, literary & social critic, noted especially for his classical attacks on the contemporary tastes & manners of the "BARBARIANS", the "PHILISTINES" & the "POPULACE". He became the apostle of "Culture" in such works as "Culture & Anarchy."

He could be called "the critic's critic", being a champion not only of great poetry , but of literary Criticism itself.
The purpose of literary Criticism, in his view was to know the best that is known & thought in the world, & by in its turn making this known, to create a current of true & fresh ideas & he has influenced a whole school of critics including new critics such as .... T.S Eliot, F.R Leavis & Allen Tate.

He was the founder of the Sociological school of Criticism & through his "TOUCHSTONE" Method interested scientific objectivity to critical evaluation by providing comparison & analysis as the 2 primary tools of Criticism.

Write about one idea of MATTHEW ARNOLD which you find interesting & relevant in your time?
I think the principle of "Disinterestedness" or "Detachment" given by Matthew Arnold is interesting & relevant in recent times.
It is really important to understand a literary work completely than giving judgement. And one should not be attached emotionally with the thing & should judge or do what is right & should be free from the prejudices ...either personal or historical.

For Example:-
A doctor should detach the emotional self while operating patients , else the doctor might make mistake due to emotional attachment with patient.

◆ Write about one idea of MATTHEW ARNOLD which you find out of date & irrelevant in your time?
Arnold's "TOUCHSTONE" method is not so relevant & rather inappropriate in present time. To judge one age's Literary work which is good with another age's Literary work which has in a different times,ideas & thinking. It's not applicable, it's becomes complicated so it's not acceptable nowadays.


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