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Doctor Faustus by Cristopher Marlowe

"Doctor Faustus" is the most famous play written by Christopher Marlowe.Christopher Marlowe It's directed by Matthew Dunster . The error of judgement I can see in this whole play.
Here, I am going to discuss about four questions. Which is asked by our sir in class here, I'm attaching the blog link of task.

1.The Play director by Matthew Dunster for globe theater ends with this scene...What does it signify?

Obviously, It's indeed a scene that when Lucifer is celebrating his marvelous victory in the end of the play. According to the Christian morality, when someone repenting upon their sin then God gives them forgiveness. But here in this play the Christian morality doesn't work. Here evil wins at the end of the play. In this whole play, we can see the full of wavering of Doctor Faustus. In the end of the play Lucifer wins in tempting Doctor Faustus with the help of Mephistophilis. In the last scene Doctor Faustus feels regret but it's too much late for redemption.
Faustus says that...
  " A year, a month, a week, a natural day."
"Mountains & hills, come,come & fall on me,
And hide me from the heavy wrath of heaven."
Doctor Faustus wants more day or one more week to repent and save his soul. And he also wants to hidden himself from that evil & says to the mountains that fall on him & hide him from the evil.
But in the end Faustus's own decision led him to fall in hell. Now nothing can be changed. So, this is full of victory of the evil Lucifer which is clearly shown in the above image.

2. Is God present in the play? If yes, where & how? If No why?
Of course, According to my perception God is present in the whole play.Somewhere I heard that every men have a split personality - 1. Good & 2. Evil.
In this Doctor Faustus I've noticed that the good angel & the evil angel are the inner voice of Doctor Faustus. And he is full of wavering that to do or not to do. So the inner voice of good angle tries to convince him that you going to do a big sin. Here the inner voice of good angel represents that God is there.
And in the other hand we can see the character of the Old Man who also convince Doctor Faustus that his path is totally wrong. But he denies all this advices and because of his own decision draw him towards his downfall.

3. What reading & interpretation can be given to this image with reference to central theme of the Doctor Faustus??

This is the image of two Greek mythological characters. The father "Daedalus" & his son "Icarus". Icarus wants to fly in the sky so his father makes waxon wings for his son & warns him that don't fly near the sun otherwise his wings would have melt. Icarus ignores his father's warning & therefore he fall down & drowned into the sea.
Now we can see the same similarity in this play Doctor Faustus that because of his quest for knowledge and power, it's leading him towards his own downfall.

But according to me, when I see this image, I think that when Icarus reach the climax, he must have get something new and unique which other can't get. So, I think that he never feels regration because of his downfall.

4. What does the painting signify?

I won't able to interpret this image earlier, but after completed our class discussion about it now I get the idea.
It's a modern depiction of the Greek myth of Icarus &Daedalus. This image " Landscape with the fall of Icarus" painted by Pieter Bruegel.  
There is an image of legs drawning out of the water behind the large ship in the painting. I think that it's the legs of Icarus, who drowned after he flew too close to the sun. Even with the prior warning of father, although Icarus deny to obey his father's warning.
In the other hand I can see in this image that everyone is continuing busy in their everyday work. It has been interpret that the painting is a represents of mankind's ignorance towards suffering.


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